




讓我們來觀察比較一下,三位慢性抑鬱症患者星盤中的元素、行星、星座模式,「莫里斯」、「珍妮」以及著名的憂鬱人士亞伯拉罕.林肯(Abraham Lincoln)。他們的本命盤是否會顯示出如預期般,過量的冷、濕、乾,或是黑暗與緩慢的能量?土星或土星的星座是否會占主導地位?水元素星座或土元素星座會不會過量,而沒有溫暖、調皮的火元素星座來平衡?他們的星盤會不會「光照不足」?

對占星學的本命能量研究來說,慢性抑鬱的嚴重程度與持續的時間成了一個理想的主題。上述 15 項特徵揭示慢性抑鬱症(輕鬱症)如何需要多重證詞來證明,三位研究對象的本命盤全都精彩呈現了這一點。



懷疑論者可能會提出質疑,認為這三張誕生星盤是為了迎合我對慢性抑鬱症所列出的 15 項占星特徵而精心挑選的。絕對不是。我們前二個抑鬱症案例(莫里斯和珍妮),是我個人檔案中紀錄抑鬱並能夠取得同意的僅有個案。深受抑鬱所苦的亞伯拉罕.林肯也包括在內,因為他可能是美國歷史上憂鬱形象最著名的人。

從這些案例所觀察到長期抑鬱的多項特徵,在我的檔案中是最為典型的。然而,這並不構成科學形式的研究,因為我們需要至少一百張星盤的「樣本」(sample),再加上複製性研究(replication study)。我們這裡有的,是一位研究者根據多年觀察的實用指南。對於願意參與這項研究的人,應確保依循已建立的抑鬱症類型來分離樣本。





莫里斯的星盤顯示了無可爭辯的抑鬱證詞。光照不足:莫里斯出生在冬末,月亮暗淡無光的時候(特徵 3),他的太陽和月亮都位在水元素星座雙魚座,同時上升位在水元素星座巨蟹座,使他符合「三重水元素」資格,或充滿大量冷和濕的能量(特徵 1viii),而水星也在雙魚座(特徵 1ix)。唯一在溫暖火元素星座的占星因子,是他位於白羊座的北交點,暗示這裡有比較多的治療方法。缺乏火元素(特徵 11)。他的太陽和月亮皆位在果宮的九宮,並位於變動的雙魚座,分散了他的生命力、目的感和求生意志(特徵 12)。此外,土星位在處女座折磨了二顆發光體(太陽和月亮),與月亮x對分相,橫跨在精神方面的三宮與九宮(特徵 7),這暗示嚴重的精神困擾。有三顆行星位於「土星」星座:金星和水星xi在土星主管的水瓶座,二顆「吉星」木星和金星都位在土星星座(特徵 15)。(它們通常有能力抵抗土星,卻因為位在土星管轄的星座而失去。)海王星也在南交點附近,增加了心靈敏感度和冷漠(特徵 5)。

月亮某程度指示著我們生活的情感舒適度,並且在所有的精神狀態中起著很大的作用。莫里斯的本命月亮是非常受折磨的。請注意月亮嚴重受困於太陽焦傷、與土星對分相,以及與火星緊密合相(特徵 10)!此外,來自冥王星與海王星對月亮形成的微弱上帝手指(兩個梅花相位),成了這抑鬱蛋糕上人們熟知的櫻桃xii;整體沒有三分相或四分相來緩解月亮(他的星盤主星與情緒本質的指標)。

按語:這張星盤是一個典型水元素過量/火元素不足的抑鬱範例,再加上壓抑又強大的土星折磨該星盤暗示失去光照、氧氣和運動!木星和金星這兩顆可以振奮人心的行星太虛弱,無法帶來喜悅感(特徵 13-15)。此外,星盤中沒有強勁的四分相提供幫助。四分相可以活化,並非總是「壞」的,而這張星盤的能量緩慢,正需要它們!莫里斯的雙魚座與巨蟹座占主導地位,暗示家族性的創傷後壓力症(posttraumatic stress disorderPTSD)、前世記憶負擔或超自然干擾。天生抑鬱,也有可能是前世記憶的「後遺症」(hangover)。


珍妮出生於紐約州布朗斯維爾的猶太人移民,生活極為貧困,以過鹹的鯡魚和馬鈴薯為食,在擠滿大屠殺倖存者的租屋裡長大。她十六歲時逃離殘酷的母親,開始她這輩子每天五包煙的習慣。她善良、聰明、感情上保持距離而友好,心中充滿隨波逐流的悲傷,深信自己二十一歲前就會死去。迷失於幻想的珍妮,逃向書本、藝術、寫作和工作,在得知她的伴侶收到徵兵通知而自殺的消息後,她悲傷的一生更悲傷了。她患有管狀視覺(tunnel vision)和睡眠呼吸中止症(sleep apnea)。




珍妮的太陽、月亮和水星都位在多愁善感的水元素星座巨蟹座(特徵 1)。光照不足再次明顯見到:她出生的夜晚,是在水元素星座期間的黑暗殘月,證明了極端缺乏星光(特徵 3)。她的太陽與海王星緊密而「墜落」(cadent)果宮的合相,說明了她傾向不由自主地陷入光的幻覺。我很少遇到出生在太陽與海王星精確(等分)合相的人沒有抑鬱的(特徵 9)。

寒冷的土星位在月亮位置起算的第十二宮(即月亮與水星背後的星座)(特徵 15),並與她那剛從前一個星座雙子座跨過邊界的月亮緊密合相。月亮與冷漠的土星跨星座合相,同時與激烈的冥王星同星座緊密合相,受到極大壓力,而它的所在星座掌管了家族的記憶:巨蟹座(特徵 10)。

珍妮的月亮反映了過量的寒冷、潮濕、緩慢和黑暗的能量,並說明了她失去親人時的情緒狀態(特徵 10)。她的上升星座是土星主管的水瓶座,為明顯易患抑鬱症的首要星座(特徵 2)。木星也位在土星主管的星座(特徵 2xiii)。金星,這顆愛之幸福的行星遭受到三重折磨:它入弱xiv在處女座,與南交點和火星合相,並與土星呈星座四分相(特徵 13)。


一宮內木星振奮人心的存在並沒有減輕她的悲傷,因為它居住在土星的星座—水瓶座(特徵 2xv),而且都沒有與太陽和月亮形成有益的相位。反倒是她的生活提升了他人!作為廢除種族隔離與維護和平的民權堅定倡導者,珍妮向許多人敞開了她的餐桌。令人感傷的是,日益加深的抑鬱使她五十五歲就離開人世。


請注意,完全沒有溫暖、乾燥的火元素星座,能夠抵消珍妮過量寒冷、濕潤的水元素(特徵 11)!這與莫里斯的情況非常相似。上述兩個例子都是冷/濕的,缺乏熱/乾的能量來平衡。要重申的是:抑鬱症就像大多數精神和情緒障礙一樣,是由某一種極端能量所產生或呈現在星盤上:一種能量過多的同時,其平衡的能量也不足。

另一個證詞是金星(愛情和幸福)與南交點(損失)的合相(特徵 5)。她的初戀情人自殺一事使她內心充滿了悲痛。火星,這顆「火熱」的行星,也因合相本命南交點而受到干擾。她的太陽和海王星在果宮的等分合相,證明她的生命力分散(特徵 12),並顯示了她對地面(earth plane)興趣缺缺。珍妮有時會不由自主地陷入輕度恍惚,喜歡詩歌。多麼海王星式的人啊!

按語:珍妮的星盤提供了另一個失去光照和氧氣的「典型例子」,可能帶有悲傷的家庭或種族記憶的色彩(巨蟹座主導,金星與南交點合相),加上對精神歸屬的真誠渴望(太陽與海王星合相)對海王星式的人來說,這個世界就是一個殘酷的現實!她會不會患有遺傳性抑鬱症?水元素星座可以發出「家庭創傷後壓力症」的訊號。我們上面的兩個例子都來自猶太家庭,即使現在沒有受到種族滅絕的迫害,也是曾經遭遇過。《聖經》中關於掃羅王(Saul)抑鬱症狀的記述,是否預示著數據上猶太人的抑鬱症人口確實較高?(特徵 10, 11xvi)我們推測,世代相傳的悲傷會以某種方式印記在 DNA 之中,也反映在後代子孫的星盤上,成為「悲傷的印記」12 ,13


美國總統林肯的成年生活飽受抑鬱折磨,眾所周知。一八三五年,林肯的戀人安.拉特利奇(Ann Rutledge)逝世使他陷入如此深刻的抑鬱,讓我們到現在都還能聽聞此事!

林肯的傳記作者喬書亞.沃夫.申克(Joshua Wolf Shenk)在他二〇〇五年出版的著作 “Lincoln’s Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness” 寫出了這項事實,其中一段摘錄如下:






林肯的太陽、月亮,以及上升星座都位在土星主管的星座(特徵 2)。他的太陽和上升星座都在水瓶座,月亮在摩羯座。而且,林肯的星盤光照不足(特徵 3),這是先前莫里斯和珍妮二案例中觀察到的主題。他出生在冬季,正值月亮最後減光階段的「殘月」。土星,作為林肯無比重要的星盤主星,接近上中天(特徵 4),並與海王星合相(特徵 4),同時也折磨著水星(特徵 4 與 9)。水星落入悲傷的雙魚座(特徵 1)。林肯是一個完美的「土星人」,他的摩羯座月亮位於此星座 27 度(特徵 8),而且還「空虛」落入悲傷的十二宮(特徵 6),同時受到火星的強烈折磨(特徵 10)。土星以對分相折磨著日常心理功能的第三軸線xvii(特徵 7)。




對於理解和幫助包含長期抑鬱在內的各種精神疾病患者,了解本命星盤的知識是非常有用的。我們還有篇幅舉一個簡單的例子,來瞧瞧星盤 1:莫里斯。



火元素能量「鬧饑荒」和他對有氧運動的厭惡一樣明顯。對於缺乏火元素星座的人來說,鍛鍊肌肉是一種神奇的改善方式。莫里斯唯一的火元素星座配置,是他的北交點在白羊座 ── 頭部和眼睛的星座。也許針對這個身體區域做些光照治療或色彩療法會有幫助,因為北交點代表了一個自然的入口。雙魚座的人喜歡跳舞,不然他們是討厭運動的,這可以強迫他們攝入所需的氧氣。
















此外,包括輕鬱症在內的精神障礙診斷與治療,考量造成長期壓抑的病因將可大大受益。文藝復興時期的行醫占星師約瑟.布拉格雷夫在 “Astrological Practice of Physick” 就記載了通過治療便祕,或有時通過消除更險惡的原因來治癒精神健康患者的奇方妙法。

現在是時候重新審視不再被現代精神病學接受的傳統病因,其中可探討有效性的至少有三種:占星學、超自然的干擾,以及前世記憶的印記。為推進這類研究需要,我創辦了年度研討會「Lost Secrets of Renaissance Medicine Conference」與醫學占星課程「Medical Astrology 101」。



正如偉大的「占星學醫生」尼古拉斯.庫爾佩珀(Nicholas Culpeper)所說:



viii譯註:原文 #3 應為誤,更正為特徵 1。

ix譯註:原文 #3 應為誤,更正為特徵 1。

x譯註:原文 Mercury 應為誤,更正為 Moon 月亮

xi譯註:原文 Mars 應為誤,更正為 Mercury 水星


xiii譯註:原文 #15 應為誤,更正為特徵 2。

xiv譯註:原文 detriment 應為誤,更正為 fall 入弱。

xv譯註:原文 #4 應為誤,更正為特徵 2。

xvi譯註:掃羅王為以色列王國的第一位君王,帶領人民多次與亞捫人非利士人激烈作戰,以寡敵眾取得了勝利。根據聖經相關記述,觀察掃羅王在位時所面臨的煎熬與折磨,顯示出許多戰爭創傷(combat trauma)的跡象,這是創傷後壓力症的其中一種可能。作者對猶太人的歷史文化亦有所研究,據此及案例星盤的特徵,推測猶太人是否可能因此內心受苦厭惡戰鬥,並於後代子孫的星盤呈現月亮受折磨及缺乏火元素的遺傳性特徵。參考來源:https://providencemag.com/2020/03/king-saul-evil-spirit-personality-change-combat-trauma/

xvii譯註:特徵 7 作者包含雙子座與射手座軸線的自然徵象。

xviii譯註:原文 wet 應為誤,更正為 dry 乾。



Let’s observe and compare the elemental, planetary and sign patterns in the charts of three Chronic Depression sufferers: “Morris”, “Jennie” and the famous melancholic Abraham Lincoln. Will their natal charts show the expected excess of cold, moist, dry or dark and slow energies? Will Saturn or Saturn’s signs dominate? Will water or earth signs be in excess with no counterbalance from the warming, playful fire signs? Will their charts be “light deprived”?

The severity and duration of chronic depression makes an ideal subject for the astrological study of natal energetics. The above fifteen signatures reveal how chronic depression, (dysthymia), requires multiple testimonies, brilliantly displayed by the natal charts of all three subjects.

Because of space limitations, a discussion of the transits and progressions of depression onset are the province of another discourse.

THE CHARTS (1, 2, 3)

The skeptic might propose that these three birth charts were cherry picked to fit my list of fifteen astrological signatures for Chronic Depression. Absolutely not. Our first two depression cases (Morris and Jennie), were my only personally documented depressives for whom I could obtain permissions. Depression sufferer Abraham Lincoln is included because he is perhaps America’s most noted historical melancholic.

The multiple signatures of chronic depression observed in these cases are typical of most in my files. Still, this does not constitute scientific style research because we would need a ‘sample’ of at least one hundred charts, plus replication studies. What we have here is a useful guide extrapolated from one researcher’s years of observation. Those who would enjoin this research should make sure to segregate their samples by established depression type.


Grandson of Holocaust survivors, Morris was born depressed, medicated for years, nothing really helps. He seeks relief to no avail, remaining bereft of all joy. Despite remarkable achievements, he feels without purpose. Friendly, caring, generous and interested in friends, he suffers constant extreme emotional pain and intolerable self loathing. Memories of past events torture him (water signs govern memory, most especially Cancer). Unusually handsome, he pays scant concern to personal grooming or worldly demands. Eschewing exercise, he dresses in dark clothes and maintains a sad, flat affect, punctuated by an amazing array of cryptic facial expressions. Morris presents a classic Piscean of the chronically depressed type, so often seen12.


Please refer by numbers below to the Signatures Listing

Morris’ chart shows undeniable testimonies of depression. Light Deficiency: Morris was born at the dark of the Moon, in late Winter (signature #3) His Sun and Moon are in water sign Pisces, while water sign Cancer rises, qualifying him as “triple water”, or energetically cold and moist (#3). Mercury is also in Pisces (3). The only astrological body in a warming fire sign is his North Node in Aries, suggesting more the cure. Fire is lacking (#11). His Sun and Moon are both cadent in the 9th, and in mutable Pisces, diffusing his vital force, sense of purpose and will to live (#12). Additionally, Saturn in Virgo afflicts both Lights, (Sun and Moon), and Mercury by opposition, across the mental 3rd and 9th houses (#7). This suggests acute mental distress. Three planets tenant ‘Saturnian’ signs: Venus and Mars are in Saturn-ruled Aquarius while the ‘benefics’ Jupiter and Venus are in Saturn’s signs (#15). Their normal ability to antidote Saturn are thus removed by their placement in Saturn’s own signs.) Neptune is also near the South Node, increasing psychic sensitivity and apathy, (#5).

The Moon indicates in part, our emotional comfort level in life and plays a large role in all mental states. Morris’ natal Moon is extremely afflicted. Notice Luna’s severe entrapment between her combustion with Sol, her opposition to Saturn plus a close conjunction with Mars! (#10). Additionally, a weak Yod (two quincunxes) to the Moon from Pluto and Neptune is the proverbial cherry on this depressing cake. No trines or squares relieve the Moon (the ruler of his chart and indicator of feeling nature).

Comment: This horoscope is a classic example of an excess water/deficient fire depression combined with an oppressively strong Saturn affliction. The chart suggests Light, Oxygen and Exercise Deprivation! The uplifting planets Jupiter and Venus are too weak to lend joy (#13-15). Furthermore, there are no strong squares in this chart to help out. Squares, being activating, are not always “bad”. This chart needs them! Energies are slowed. Morris’ Pisces-Cancer dominance suggests family PTSD, past life memory burden or supernatural interference. Born depressed, there is also the possibility of a past life memory “hangover”.


Born into the grinding poverty of immigrant Jewish Brownsville, New York. Jennie was reared on over-salted herring and potatoes, in tenements crowded with pogrom survivors. She fled her cruel mother at sixteen, commencing her lifelong cigarette habit of five packs a day. Kind, brilliant, remote yet friendly, she drifted through life overwhelmed by grief, convinced she would die before her 21st birthday. Lost in reverie, Jennie escaped into books, art, writing, work. Her life long sadness deepened upon receiving news that her partner had committed suicide after receiving his draft notice. She suffered tunnel vision and sleep apnea.

We might rightly suspect an excess of water signs, (especially Cancer for family PTSD), Neptune (sensitivity and discomfort with this world), Saturn (cold, dark feelings); and perhaps a strong Moon (tenderness, good memory).


Please refer by numbers below to the Signatures Listing

Jennie’s Sun, Moon and Mercury are all three in the sentimental water sign Cancer (signature #1). Light Deprivation is again obvious: Her night birth in a water sign under a dark balsamic Moon testifies to extreme astral light deprivation (#3). Her close and ‘cadent’ Sun-Neptune conjunction explained her tendency to fall involuntarily into light trances. I’ve rarely encountered someone born with an exact (partile) conjunction of Sun with Neptune that was not depressed, (#9).

Cold Saturn is situated in the 12th house position to the Moon, (i.e. one sign behind both Moon and Mercury), (#15), and in close conjunction to her Moon across the sign border from previous sign Gemini. Luna is highly stressed between her across-sign conjunction with chilly Saturn and a close same sign conjunction with intense Pluto in the sign governing family memory: Cancer, (#10).

Jennie’s Moon reflects an excess of cold, moist, slow and dark energies, and explains her bereaved emotional state (#10). Her Saturn-ruled Aquarius Ascendant tops off the load of prominent depressive prone signs (#2). Jupiter is also in a Saturn ruled sign (#15). Venus, planet of love’s happiness is thrice afflicted by its detriment in Virgo, conjunct both the South Node and Mars, and in square by sign to Saturn (#13).

Notice the curious absence of close major aspects, suggesting inner disconnection. Jennie suffered mental disconnects, often unaware of her surroundings.

The presence of her cheering first house Jupiter didn’t alleviate her sorrows because it resides in Saturn’s sign Aquarius (#4), and lends no helpful aspect to either Sun nor Moon. Instead, her life uplifted others! As a strong advocate of civil rights, desegregation and peace, Jennie opened her table to many. Sadly, deepening depression contributed to her untimely death at age fifty-five.

Gross Imbalance: Excess Water/Fire is Deficient

Notice the complete lack of warm, dry fire signs that would have counteracted Jennie’s excess cold, moist water element! (#11). This is remarkably similar to Morris’ case. Both examples are cold/moist with deficient hot/dry energies for balance. To reiterate: Depression, as are most mental and emotional disorders, is energetically produced or represented in a horoscope by a set of extremes: one energy is in excess while simultaneously, its balancing energy is deficient.

Another testimony lies with the conjunction of Venus (love and happiness) to the South Node (loss), (#5). The suicide of her first love burdened her heart with grief. Mars, the “fiery” planet, is also disturbed by its conjunction on the Natal South Node. The partile conjunction of her cadent Sun and Neptune testifies to a diffused vital force (#12), and showed her disinclination towards the earth plane. Jennie sometimes fell into involuntary light trances, and loved poetry. How Neptunian!

Comment: Jenny’s chart provides another ‘classic example’ of light and oxygen deprivation, with possible sad family or tribal memory overtones (Cancer dominant and Venus conjunct South Node), plus longing for her true spiritual home (Sun conjunct Neptune). The world is a harsh reality for Neptune’s natives! Could she have suffered Inherited Depression? Water signs can signal “Family PTSD”. Both our above examples came from Jewish families immediately, if not currently devastated by genocide. Did Biblical King Saul’s epic depressions presage the fact that depression is indeed higher in Jewish populations? (#10, 11). We speculate that generationally inherited sorrow is somehow imprinted in our DNA and also reflected as “sadness imprints” in the horoscopes of heirs.12, 13


American President Abraham Lincoln is well known for torturous depressions throughout his adult life. The 1835 death of Lincoln’s sweetheart Ann Rutlege plunged him into a depression so profound that we are still hearing about it!

Lincoln biographer Joshua Wolf Shenk presents the facts in his 2005 book: Lincoln’s Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness. An excerpt reads:

“For whatever reason, or combination of reasons, in the late summer of 1835 Lincoln’s depression was pushed out into the open. After several weeks of worrisome behavior, talking about suicide, wandering alone in the woods with his gun, an older couple in the area took him into their home…When he had improved somewhat, they let him go, but he was, Mrs. Green said, “quite melancholy for months”.

Depression episodes were recurrent, long and intense. Clearly he suffered from “double depression” with episodes of the more serious Major Depression. Lincoln was also a perfect physical example of lanky, deep, philanthropic and individualistic “Saturnian Aquarian” type, seen occasionally in some Aquarians. Also, a good Saturn type14. As we have noted, both Saturn and Aquarius have long standing traditional association with “melancholy”.

What can Lincoln’s birth chart show us? Does it reveal signatures typical of chronic depression? Was Saturn dominant or afflicting? Were Saturn’s signs or water signs emphasized? Was he born in winter, at night, or in the dark of the Moon?


Please refer by numbers below to the Signatures Listing

Lincoln’s Sun, Moon and Ascendant are all three in Saturn ruled signs (#2). Both his Sun and Ascendant were in Aquarius and his Moon was in Capricorn. Furthermore, Lincoln’s chart is Light Deficient (#3), a theme observed for both previous cases Morris and Jennie. He was born in Winter during the Moon’s late waning phase, the ‘Balsamic’ Moon. Saturn, as Abe’s unrivaled chart ruler is near the Mid-heaven, (#4), and conjoined Neptune (#4), while also afflicting Mercury (#4, 9). Mercury is in sorrowful Pisces (#1). Lincoln was a perfect “Saturnian”. His Capricorn Moon is posited on the 27th degree of this sign (#8), plus also “void of course” in the 12th house of sorrows (#6), while strongly afflicted from Mars (#10). Saturn afflicts the 3rd axis of the daily mental function by opposition (#7).

Comment: An aware astrologer would spot the overwhelming trend to chronic depression in Abraham Lincoln’s birth chart. One might assert that baby Abraham was born with a life-long disability that could be remediated but not entirely prevented. Shenk’s research suggests that both of Lincoln’s parents displayed symptoms of the affliction, suggesting the chart may reflect a genetic inheritance.

Had Lincoln realized his natal tendency toward chronic depression, could he have been helped? Astrology is useful, or why do it! The Renaissance physician-astrologer and the ayurvedic medicine-astrology tradition of India both have wide palettes of remedials for adjusting the excesses and deficiencies of planetary and elemental energies inherent in our birth energy patterns and reflected in the birth chart.


Knowledge of the natal chart is extremely useful in understanding and assisting victims of a wide array of psychiatric disorders, including chronic depression. Space allows a brief example from Chart 1: Morris.

We saw how Morris suffered a chronic depression of the excess water sign + Saturnian variety. His is a classic cold, moist Chronic Depression. The pattern is in gross imbalance, offering little in the way of balancing warm, dry fire signs.

A “triple water” Winter birth at New Moon suggests both light and oxygen starvation. Indeed, he suffers sleep apnea. Today’s “Astrological Physician” might well suggest breathing exercises or ‘Pranayama”. (His natal air sign planets can’t help much because they are drowning in water houses).

Fire energy “starvation” is as obvious as his loathing for aerobic exercise. Muscular exercise is a fantastic remedial for deficient fire signs. Morris’ sole fire sign placement is his North Node in Aries – sign of the head and eyes. Perhaps light or color therapy directed to this bodily region would help because the North Node represents a natural entry portal. Dance is enjoyed by Piscean natives who otherwise hate to move, and forces the needed oxygen intake!

The Liver is assigned to Jupiter and Virgo. Morris’ chart shows two testimonies of a sluggish liver, because Jupiter falls in Capricorn and Saturn tenants Virgo13. Jupiter’s emotions are expansive and joyful. Protracted liver damage affects the victim’s ability to feel these uplifting feelings.

Piscean natives in particular respond to vibrational remedies such as flower essences, homeopathy, gemstone prescriptions14or music therapy. They are notably vulnerable to supernatural interference and this should be investigated in many cases of mental derangement. Where Pisces dominates, (as in Morris’ case), one might suspect past life memories and/or negative psychic influences as contributing factors.

Morris’ dominant 9th house (Sun, Moon, Mars) is obviously central for both cause and solution. However, he rebels against religion, (as one might suspect with the tense Mars/ Saturn opposition across his 3rd-9th house axis.) Perhaps a worthy battle would help. Indeed, Morris’ immense courage awakens when fighting subversive causes against all odds.

The cold, moist water signs are traditionally balanced by stimulating herbs and spices. We would also suspect that cold, dark, moist environments would increase Morris’ “blues”, as would wintertime. Morris can be helped if the right remedies were found!


The understanding of Chronic Depression is enhanced through a clear understanding of each sufferer’s underlying astrological energetics as provided by their birth chart and current transits. Truly, astrology is in itself one of the most ancient and sophisticated systems for mapping the total human entity.

The traditional view that symptoms of ‘melancholy’ were produced by Saturn plus an excess of the Melancholic and sometimes Phlegmatic ‘humors’ was incomplete at best, and the influence of outer planets unknown. This ancient knowledge that cosmic cold, moist, dark and slow energies underly depression is as a veritable gold mine for psychologists. New research is also needed.

In understanding the astrology of Chronic Depression, we must first know its precise symptoms and familiarize ourselves with the potentially causative planetary, sign and elemental energetics. I’ve documented fifteen chart signatures that appear associated with symptoms of Chronic Depression.

Saturn’s traditional role seems accurate, as does a prominence of planets in Saturn-ruled signs Capricorn, and particularly Aquarius (maybe Capricorn types are too busy working to be aware of a depressed state!)

However, the traditionally ‘phlegmatic’ water signs appear to match the symptoms of chronic depression far better then do the supposedly ‘melancholic’ earth signs. This error appears to have been caused when Hippocrates’ bodily humor ‘melancholy’ (or black bile); and its assigned ‘melancholic temperament’ were wrongly conflated with the astrological earth element (and therefore the three earth signs).

Neptune’s diffusive rays by conjunction or hard aspect plays a role in this malady too, as does the South Lunar Node’s conjunctions. Both these bodies when negative can be productive of “downer” influences, apathy and psychic sensitivity. (Neptune was first discovered in water sign Cancer, and is now thought to be a co-ruler of water sign Pisces.) Neptune expresses as a longing for the “other side” and a desire to escape this world. It is also a notoriously sleepy planet.

Light deficiency in the birth chart appears an important theme! Winter births, night births and late Moon Phase natives appear more likely to experience depression, especially if all three conditions simultaneously attend the birth time. Curiously, I observed this phenomenon years before ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ was clinically established and light deficiency designated as a unique category of depression!

These examples show that Chronic Depression can occur when one energy is in excess with the simultaneous deficiency of counterbalancing energies that would antidote the swing. A skilled astrologer learns to rate the balance of energies by noting the preponderance of planets, signs and elements in the birth chart. To accomplish this, one must first memorize the manifold conditions of planetary strength and weakness in a birth chart, and understand how to realistically tally elements (see section on “Tallying the Elements”.)

Traditionally, astrological energies were used to determine the balance of the four states: hot, cold, wet and moist. We might also add dark/light, and fast/slow to this list. Unbalanced extremes underly many mental and physical conditions.

In sum, a gross imbalance of energies potentiating Chronic Depression can occur when a chart is cold/wet with little counteractive hot/dry. Cold/dry also shows depression. We have also demonstrated that dark without light is preemptively depressive! Wintertime night births during the Moon’s last quarter or New Moon are especially prone. Slow without fast is also contributive.

Furthermore, the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, including dysthymia, would greatly benefit by considering long suppressed etiologies. In Blagrave’s Physick, Renaissance physician-astrologer Joseph Blagrave documents wonderful cures of mental health victims by treating constipation, or sometimes by removing causes far more sinister.

It is time to reexamine the validity of at least three traditional et`iologies no longer acceptable to modern psychiatry: astrological, supernatural interference, and past life memory imprints. To facilitate this need, I’ve created the annual Lost Secrets of Renaissance Medicine Conference © and Medical Astrology 101.

Understanding planetary energetics from a physical and mental perspective helps us qualify a world of unseen vibration ignored in all but the most maverick of psychiatric practices.

Let us look forward to the day when astrology is reinstated as a useful tool for examining the hidden energies and changing cosmic tides that contribute to mental illness, inclusive of Chronic Depression.

As the great “Astrological Physician” Nicholas Culpepper said:

“A physician without astrology is like a pudding without fat”.




12Judith Hill, The Astrological Body Types, pp. 88, 137 revised 1997, Stellium Press, 1993, 1997, revised 2011.

13Judith Hill, Medical Astrology: A Guide to Planetary Pathology, Stellium Press, 2005.

14Harish Johari, The Healing Power of Gemstones in Tantra, Ayurveda, Astrology, Destiny Books, Rochester, VT, 1988




The Astrological Judgement of Diseases from the Decumbiture of the Sick, Nicholas Culpepper, 1655, Astrological Classics, an imprint of The Astrology Center of America, Astrological Classics, The Astrology Center of America

The Greatest Benefit to Humanity: The Medical History of Humanity, Roy Porter, 1997, W.W. Norton & Company, NY, London.

Devils, Drugs and Doctors, pp. 369-371, Howard W. Howard, Blue Ribbon Books, 1929.

Paracelcus: Magic into Science, pp. 114, Henry Pachter, Collier Books, 1961.

Christian Astrology, William Lilly, 1947, p.p. 576-586, Astrological Classics, Astrology Center of America, reprinted 2001.

The Ancient Astrological Gemstones and Talismans Richard, S. Brown, 1995.

Davidson’s Medical Lectures, Chapters 3,4,5, edited by Vivia Jayne, Astrological Bureau, Monroe, NY.

The Cosmic Clocks, Chapter 9, 12, Michel Gauquelin, Avon Books, 1969 “Saturn as Fundamental”, p. 34, Medical Astrology, Judith Hill.

New York- “Understanding Depression in the Jewish Population”, VIN NEWS by Rabbit Doctor Abraham J. Twerski., March 3, 2010.

“Higher Rate of Depression Found in Jewish Men”, The Associated Press, May 23, 1995.


翻譯:Astrid Lien|審校:Esther Du

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茱蒂絲.希爾(Judith Hill)



她創建了「占星醫學和文藝復興草藥學」的網絡研討會課程;爾後為她的個人學員創設了「醫學占星學 101」(Medical Astrology 101)課程,並將陸續開設「醫學占星學實務:讓我們閱讀星盤吧!」(Medical Astrology in Action: Let’s Read Charts!)、「占星草藥學解碼」(Astrological Herbalism Decoded ),以及「心理健康占星學」(Astrology of Mental Health)等課程。

茱蒂絲可能是第一位將西方醫學占星學介紹至中國四川的占星家。她是多明尼恩草藥學院(Dominion Herbal College)的特許草藥師。她記錄了本命及流運月交點對健康的影響,以及按交點星座與合相的本命行星來劃分日月食對醫學的影響,並首創一份基於月交點極性的日月食行事曆。她最近出版了《Medical Astrology for Health Practitioners》(暫譯:保健工作者的醫學占星學)及《Medical Astrology in Action: The Transits of Health》(暫譯:醫學占星學的應用:健康與流運)。

作為國際占星界公認的研究者,茱蒂絲曾在國際發表關於「星象遺傳學」和「星象地震學」的重要統計研究;她曾任美國NCGR占星研究協會(National Council for Geocosmic Research)舊金山分會教育董事,也曾於「意識研究所」(The Institute for the Study of Consciousness)擔任加州著名物理學家阿瑟.楊(Arthur Young)的研究助理,並曾為瓊安.瑪格麗絲(Joan Margalith)的開創性廣播節目〈Infinity〉擔任顧問/設計。

茱蒂絲與著名草藥學家馬修.伍德(Matthew Wood)合作,在「馬修.伍德草藥學研究所」(The Matthew Wood Institute of Herbalism)共同教授兩門課程,並舉辦了更多研討會。她在一九八九年NCGR贊助的懷疑論者挑戰賽中,對五份傳記與五份星盤進行盲解並成功配對,是目前世界上少數執業時間最長的全職諮詢占星家之一。



